Miss Trout aka Anna Rogers

Writer • Artist • Performer • Tarot Reader • Activist • Maker

Sparkles, Spangles & Magic!

Autism Friendly Screenings

Autism Friendly Screenings

🎞🎥🖤 Autism Friendly Screenings #IAmMe

Autism Friendly Screenings are just wonderful!

⭐Relaxed screenings make a family cinema experience so much gentler and more enjoyable for Dylan with his sensory sensitivities. @cityscreenyork offer regular autism friendly showings of the latest and popular films. Relaxed quieter showings include lower sound, dim lighting instead of black out, freedom to stim /talk/make noises , and a mini interval halfway to allow a break to walk about or use the toilet etc.

My whole brood enjoy these special trips because we all know how much Dyl loves watching films, and this way we don't have to miss out on precious family time together doing something we all love every so often. City Screen go the extra mile with a small table just outside the room, with colouring sheets / pens as well as fab visual aids linked to the film being shown - the most recent showing being 💥Incredibles 2 .

Knowing Dylan can freely nip out to have a break should he need to and do something a little different for a bit,whether its in the interval or at any point during the film, is such a relief. Often the showings of the latest films are 3 months behind the usual release dates but it's totally worth it for us as a family to wait.

Tickets are really reasonable, there is absolutely no judgement, a calmer atmosphere and a super autism inclusive venue - these cinema days out are a lifeline to us and we love them!! I absolutely recommend them and so does smallfry!

⭐🎞🎥🖤 #misstrout #IAmMe #ThisCouldBeDyl #autism #autismfriendlyscreenings #cityscreenyork #whatsoninyork #neurologicaldifferences #familyfriendly #autismawareness #teamtrout #talkaboutit

School Choices

School Choices

My Muse

My Muse