#IAmMe Campaign


What's it all about?

#IAmMe is an interactive blog and social media campaign that celebrates and creates positive awareness around Autistic individuals and the Spectrum, all inspired by my beautiful son, Dylan. Honest, real and above all empowering, the campaign is about educating and normalising , a platform to be proud and to love who you are.

My short story titled ‘I Am Me’ looks at raising awareness of autism in primary schools through the escapades of a young superhero struggling to understand his own powers. This storytelling led Theatre - In - Education project is set to be taken into local primary schools to educate and create awareness about Autism and the Spectrum.

Specifically aimed at young children and teaching staff.

Inspired by my own young son's diagnosis of a sensory processing disorder and Autism, I wanted to use my skills as an experienced actor and writer to create a short performance and workshop suitable for touring in educational settings, that celebrated and educated accurately ‘What Autism is?’ and highlighted the fundamental message that we are all unique no matter what neurological differences we may or may not have.

The piece will incorporate interactive, sensory devices and props that help to explain what it can be like in an every day scenario for someone who is on the autistic spectrum. The idea being to really involve the audience in as many ways as possible, with hands on props and interactive storytelling devices. Puppetry, soundscapes and touch/feel props are key to offering an inclusive sensory experience alongside the story.

As well as the short performance, we will be running a workshop afterwards with the pupils and staff where we explore further the themes and the performance in more detail. The aim is to offer school’s a creative, inspiring and positive insight into Autism . To promote my belief that the younger children understand and accept other children on the spectrum, the better chance we have of breaking down stigmas and normalising Autism in society. These children will hopefully go on as adults understanding and celebrating their peers, work colleagues and friends/family who may be on the spectrum, breaking a cycle of ignorance and a lack of education around the subject.

For more information email : misstrout@outlook.com / check out the insta page and join in the campaign using the hashtag #IAmMe and #ThisCouldbeDyl.
