Miss Trout aka Anna Rogers

Writer โ€ข Artist โ€ข Performer โ€ข Tarot Reader โ€ข Activist โ€ข Maker

Sparkles, Spangles & Magic!

Outdated Workplace Mindsets

Outdated Workplace Mindsets

๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ˜” Outdated Workplace Mindsets ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ’ค #IAmMe

๐Ÿ‚Autumn and Winter used to be my favourite time of the year but since Dylan's seizures began at 18 months old, this time of the year triggers worry and a constant threat to him having one. The febrile seizures are brought on by very high temps, usually caused by contracting flu, tonsilitis and colds. All kids get poorly and it's a natural worry for parents but throwing in a seizure into the mix is incredibly stressful and I can't explain how anxious it makes us a household. It doesn't matter how many times he's had one, it doesn't get easier watching him fitting , helpless and scared. It doesn't matter that we know the protocol like the back of our hands. Knowing Dylan has his additional challenges on top of the seizures makes it all the more harder for him.

When he is in possible seizure terriority he stops being that happy little ray of sunshine and fades. His pupils stay big, his eyes blink non stop, he can barely talk and he curls up as small as he can and he zones out. Completely. ๐Ÿ™

As he gets older Dyl is becoming more aware and is more and more frightened of having a seizure. And of feeling poorly in general because of how much it increases his sensory overload.

๐Ÿ’ฅYesterday as we went through a difficult afternoon and night watching Dyl struggle with a possible seizure onset, something major was put in perspective. Work places that don't offer flexible work and understanding to parents needs, are outdated. We shouldn't have to worry that a boss will sack you if you need to take care of your child, yet Mr T has that threat regularly being thrown at him at work for simply being a parent. Being a parent makes you the ULTIMATEโญ multi-tasker and an assest to any organisation & biz.

I have never wanted to succeed more with Miss Trout than I do right now - so I can flexibly work around my family without guilt or immense stress thrown at us for simply caring about our babies. One of which has Autism, sensory processing difficulties and currently frequently has febrile convulsions . And needs taking care of that little bit more than the average child does. Be your own boss - take control โค and fight for fair flex work!

#misstrout #IAmMe #ThisCouldBeDyl #Flexappeal #beyourownboss #autismparents #fightforfair #workplaceequality

My Muse

My Muse

But He Doesn't Look Autistic?

But He Doesn't Look Autistic?