Miss Trout aka Anna Rogers

Writer • Artist • Performer • Tarot Reader • Activist • Maker

Sparkles, Spangles & Magic!

What Does #IAmMe Really Mean?

What Does #IAmMe Really Mean?

🙌⭐#IAmMe ⭐🙌 #IAmMe

What does #IAmMe really mean? It's not just a hashtag being used in the autism campaign we are running for Dyl, it's a state of mind. It's an open, loving, accepting, raw and beautiful set of words ... I Am Me. It's choosing to be aware of who you are, to love who you are and to celebrate who you are. Something so simple, yet so complex and so immeasurably important it's often a struggle for so many of us to achieve. Me included. Through becoming a Mama to my three wonderful babies, and in particular to Dylan, I'm freeing myself up to accepting that I Am Me. My journey is no where near complete but I'm on it and I'm loving every twist and turn it takes me on. I'm learning to truly love me. For all my positives, my talents, my flaws and my fears. This journey is one we all need to embrace at some point in our lives, ideally the younger the better.

I want my babies to feel empowered by those three small words and to feel the spangly ripple of strength they glitter , just like they do each time they believe in themselves and love who they are. Dyls journey is a little tougher to navigate sometimes, and he already has faced criticism from some of his peers for not conforming or for his stimming in particular. Recently he was hit for making annoying sounds. If more children were made aware of and were given the tools to understand the spectrum, and learning difficulties in general, I honestly believe less of this would be happening. Children after all, have the biggest capacity for love and acceptance. For Dyl being true to him is to stim when he needs to, to feel relaxed & happy, release anger or fear or to just be Dyl. The #IAmMe campaign is aimed at educating everyone big and small in understanding, accepting and celebrating these neurological differences and seeing the individual as just being them. I Am Me. Share it, believe it and celebrate it.

#IAmMe #ThisCouldBeDyl #misstrout #celebrateautism #neurologicaldifferences #lovewhoyouare #schoolcampaign #teamautism #smallfry #untileveryoneunderstands #showyoursupport #pblogger #mblogger #autism #stimming #talkaboutit #pinkforpickles

