Miss Trout aka Anna Rogers

Writer • Artist • Performer • Tarot Reader • Activist • Maker

Sparkles, Spangles & Magic!



⭐🧢Hats🧢⭐ #IAmMe

Dyl LOVES a good hat... his current fav to wear all day is a thick woolly one despite it being the height of summer 💓. Wearing a hat instantly chills him out and helps him cope with experiencing sensory overload on a daily basis. It's small things like this that can make a huge difference to Dyl and help him to continue functioning and go about his day. Today his hat helped him manage the sounds from inside our house, of a drill being used on the road outside down our street. These sounds are magnified for Dylan and can cause distress & grate on him more than it might do most people. As a household we all know by now what tends to trigger Dylan's overloads/meltdowns so we are ready to help make things easier on him when we can. Obviously sometimes we miss the mark , we're only human and it's not always easy to predict how Dyl might react to certain things.

The older Dylan gets the more he is learning to self regulate 🤗 which is so important for his independence and understanding of himself.

Taking a few mins to find out if you can make something easier for someone on the spectrum, is a small but very important and ace way you can show support and awareness.

Even if it's as simple a thing as a hat 💗

#IAmMe #ThisCouldBeDyl #autism #neurologicaldifferences #sensoryoverload #smallthings #spectrum #autismawareness #smallfry #misstrout #mblogger #pblogger #talkaboutit #whatabeaut



What Does #IAmMe Really Mean?

What Does #IAmMe Really Mean?