Miss Trout aka Anna Rogers

Writer • Artist • Performer • Tarot Reader • Activist • Maker

Sparkles, Spangles & Magic!



👎Stereotyping👎 #IAmMe

⭐🚂🎵 Dylan is a smiler. A ray of sunshine. He likes the colour pink because it makes him feel good. He loves cuddles. He loves socialising. He loves music. He loves cars and buses. He loves trains. He likes yoga - rainbow pose is his fav. He likes hot chocolate but hold the cream and marshmallows. He likes supporting his football team and watching their matches at their ground. He loves to dance. He enjoys a good stim. He loves cooking. He loves trains. He loves dogs. He rocks a hat. He loves arts and crafts. He loves numbers. He likes going to the cinema. He loves the outdoors. He loves nature. He loves picking wild flowers especially daisies. Scootering pro. He loves superheroes - hulk and batman are the best. He enjoys being read to and reading books. He's the King of the dinosaurs. 🌼🦕⭐ .

Autism is a spectrum. No one person on the spectrum will be the same as the next . No one human is the same as the next. We are all unique. Dyl isnt a statistic. Dyl isn't a result of something thats gone 'wrong' genetically. Dyl isn't the result of a vaccines side affect. Dyl isn't a 'rain man' . Dyl isnt 'the average person with autism' because there is no average. There is only an individual and their personal & specific autistic traits that make up how THEY process the world.

👎Don't get misled by stereotypes ... autism is individual and just because someone doesn't always obviously present, it doesn't mean they aren't or can't be autistic.

.#IAmMe #ThisCouldBeDyl #misstrout #autism #autismawareness #teamautism #neurologicaldifferences #neurodiverse #spectrum #mblogger #pblogger #pbloggers #autismparents #superheroes #talkaboutit #unique #mysunshine #bloggers #celebrateautism #senblogger #mummyblogger #sensoryprocessingdifficulties #additionalneeds #actuallyautistic #smallfry



Calming Post Meltdown

Calming Post Meltdown