Miss Trout aka Anna Rogers

Writer • Artist • Performer • Tarot Reader • Activist • Maker

Sparkles, Spangles & Magic!



🙌🎉🙌 Inclusivity #IAmMe

Plugging away at my Understanding Autism course has been a bit of a roller-coaster of emotions for me lately. It's brought up feelings about Dylan I thought I had a lid on but actually when you're reading facts in black and white about your son's neurodiversity it can be challenging as well as celebratory. Not ASC itself but society's typical response to neurodiversity and these individuals being seen as strange or disadvantaged, as opposed to simply being different and requiring a more creative approach from others with regards to their interaction, communication, behavioural characteristics and cognitive approaches.

Two weeks ago Dylan started Youth Theatre @yorktheatreroyal, he joined Ava's class. He has wanted to go for such a long time and was finally old enough. I can't stress enough just how amazing they have been at adapting to and understanding Dylans additional requirements so he can happily join in the class and be included. He has one - on- one buddy support which is fantastic and takes the worry away from us as parents about him whilst he is off having fun for an hour and a bit with his sister. He is included, appreciated and cared about. His needs are met but he doesn't miss out on what his peers are doing.

🌟 And that is what it's all about: inclusivity, awareness & acceptance. Thank you @yorktheatreroyal & staff for shining a light and leading the way! ✨

#IAmMe #thiscouldbedyl #misstrout #autism #autistic #inclusivity #inclusivetheatre #youththeatre #sensoryprocessingdifficulties #autismspectrum #sensoryoverload #senblogger #mblogger #pbloggers #talkaboutit #autismacceptance #mummyblogger #theatreforall #autismfriendly #yorktheatreroyal #projectb #actuallyautistic #teamautism #superheroes #autism #york #understandingautism #educate #neurodiverse #celebrateautism #littleactors

We're Not All A Little Bit Autistic

We're Not All A Little Bit Autistic

